Hello, mes Petits Lapins!
as you’ve probably noticed over the past few weeks, I’ve been doubling down to offer you both new recipes and short formats around practical questions. The idea is to give you little chef tips to enhance or simplify your everyday cooking. What do you think of these new formats? This work takes up a lot of my time, especially as I’m working to enrich the site with many new features and bonuses. I also want to keep a lot of content freely accessible so that everyone can benefit from it.
To finance these new projects, I have to make the decision to moderately increase the subscription plans offered on the website. These new rates will be effective starting from November 1st.
First, the Premium plan, giving access to all the content, remains unchanged at $49/year. However, the Yearly plan (which does not include access to the Pastry Fundamentals section and future features) will increase from $29 to $39/year. The monthly subscription will rise from $2.99 to $3.99/month (without access to Premium-only sections).
I understand that for some, this price increase is not insignificant, and I fully empathize. Nonetheless, I have to adapt to the significant changes in my activity, including rising costs of raw materials and equipment needed to provide you with high-quality content.
Lastly, for those few still using the old academy platform instead of the official site (as new registrations were halted nearly a year ago), this platform will soon be taken offline, as I can’t maintain two separate platforms.