Easy Poolish Pizza Dough

Learn how to make an easy overnight poolish pizza dough. This dough is the foundation of creating authentic Neapolitan pizzas, with its light and airy texture, crispy yet chewy crust, and wonderful flavor profile. By using a poolish starter, we develop complex flavors and achieve the desired texture that will take your homemade pizzas to the next level. With this overnight poolish pizza dough recipe, you'll be able to create the perfect base for your favorite toppings, from classic Margherita to creative combinations that showcase your personal flair. Unlock the mysteries of Neapolitan pizza-making and impress your family and friends with your newfound skills. Get ready to embark on a culinary journey that will delight your taste buds and leave you craving more.

Easy Poolish Pizza Dough

Course: pizza
Cuisine: French
Keyword: liquid starter, napolitana pizza
Prep Time: 40 minutes
Cook Time: 3 minutes
Servings: 6 pizzas
Calories: 550kcal
Cost: $4
Impress your family and friends with your newfound skills
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  • 1 Stand mixer
  • 1 Pizza stone
  • 1 Dough scraper
  • 1 Large bowl
  • 1 Metal scraper
  • 1 Whisk
  • 1 Pizza Peel
  • 1 Kitchen scale


Poolish Starter

  • 600 g Pizza flour 00 W-290/360
  • 500 g Spring water at room temperature
  • 1 g Fresh yeast
  • 1 g Sel

Final Dough

  • 400 g Pizza flour 00
  • 21 g Salt
  • 6 g Fresh yeast
  • 160 g Spring water at 41ºF/5ºC


Poolish Starter

  • When making pizza during the warm season, it is recommended to use one gram of fresh yeast whereas during the cold season, you should increase the amount to 3 grams and no salt added to the poolish for optimal results. To begin, mix the fresh yeast with room temperature water using a whisk. Once the yeast is dissolved, add the flour (add a pinch of salt if room temp exceed 73.5ºF/23ºC, and mix until just combined using your right or left hand. Use a dough scraper or a rubber spatula to clean down the sides of the bowl.
    mixing water and flour for poolish
  • Cover the bowl with plastic wrap. Make a hole in the center with a knife. Let the poolish ferment overnight at room temperature (14 hours max).
    pizza poolish starter

Final Dough

  • Pour chilled water into the bubbled poolish, where the magic begins. The addition of yeast will kickstart the fermentation process. Transfer this liquid starter to your mixing bowl, and incorporate the remaining flour and salt. Mix on low speed until the dough starts to come together, then increase the mixer speed to medium high. Let it mix for a good 7 minutes until the dough cleanly pulls away from the sides of the bowl. Here comes the crucial part: the internal temperature of your dough should ideally hover between 74-75ºF (23-26ºC). This ensures the yeast activity is optimal, resulting in perfectly risen and flavorful pizzas. Once mixed, cover the dough and let it rest for an hour, allowing the flavors to develop and deepen. Next, it's time to transfer the dough onto a floured countertop. Handle it gently to preserve those precious air bubbles created during fermentation. Divide the dough into 6 equal portions, degas slightly, and shape them into tight, uniform balls. Cover the dough balls and let them rest for another 30 minutes, allowing them to relax.
    pizza dough using stand mixer
  • Flour your work surface and dough with fine semolina or flour. Shape dough balls into pizzas and throw in the oven.
    shaping pizza into round

Choose My Pizza Toppings

  • Experimenting with different toppings and cooking techniques is all part of the fun of making pizza at home.
    pepperoni pizza

How To Cook Pizzas

  • Whether you're using a domestic oven or a wood-fired oven, the key is to cook the pizza quickly at a high temperature to achieve that perfect balance of flavors and textures.
    putting pizza in wood-fired oven


Serving: 270g | Calories: 550kcal

3 thoughts on “Easy Poolish Pizza Dough”

    1. Hello Jean,

      Dans le monde de la levure sèche, il existe deux principaux types de levure : la levure instantanée et la levure sèche active. La levure instantanée, comme son nom l’indique, peut être ajoutée directement à la farine sans qu’il soit nécessaire de la dissoudre au préalable dans l’eau. En revanche, la levure sèche active nécessite une réhydratation dans de l’eau tiède avant d’être incorporée à la pâte. Ce processus permet à la levure de s’activer et de commencer à fermenter, ce qui aide la pâte à lever efficacement. Lorsque vous utilisez de la levure sèche à la place de la levure fraîche, il est important de se rappeler que vous devrez ajuster la quantité. En règle générale, vous devez réduire de moitié la quantité de levure sèche demandée dans une recette par rapport à la levure fraîche. Enjoy!

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